Epic Tales from the Sewers with Erik Burnham

On this episode your hosts Justin and Eric are joined by special guest host Drew Mollo from the Splash Pages podcast. He is our expert on everything Ghostbusters, because we have a special guest this week.
Our guest Erik Burnham has written for the who's who of comic book and movie characters including: Godzillia, Transformers, Gi Joe, Army of Darkness vs Reanimator, The Simpsons Comics, Spider-Man, Galaxy Quest, Back to the Future , Ghostbusters and of course the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
We are discussing his recent 4 issue run on The Saturday Morning Adventures TMNT series as well as Armageddon Game the Alliance series from IDW
A Special Pizza Time mentioned in the episode as well "Egon's Favorite Mac & Cheese" from the Ghostbuster's cookbook.
( I bought the book just for this occasion).
Be sure to follow our guest Erik Burnham on Twitter and Instagram @erikburnham and his website Burnhamania.com!
Drew can be heard weekly on the Dorkening Podcast Network's Splash Pages show and his writes for Screenrant.com. Check him out on Instagram @Ghostbusterman11984.
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Erik Burnham
Erik Burnham is a Minnesotan writer and artist.
After years working in both broadcasting and retail, Erik finally decided to take a crack at making comics, beginning with the Nick Landime feature in the Shooting Star Comics Anthology.
A positive reception led first to other anthologies, and then to extended work for IDW Publishing on properties like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers: Beast Wars, and a critically acclaimed, ten-year run on the Ghostbusters line of comic books.
He even wrote the official Tobin’s Spirit Guide.
Erik's been fortunate to work with many companies, including Cryptozoic, Dynamite, IDW, Insight Editions, Opus, and Marvel, on a variety of properties and multitude of genres. Superheroes, science fiction, comedy, pulp fantasy... it’s been an embarrassment of riches, and there’s more on the way. (Which is good news, since he loves his work.)
When not turning out stories for other publishers, Erik fills his time working on the webcomic Downside, trying to learn an instrument (badly), and going for walks (this he does okay at.)
Erik still lives in Minnesota; any rumors about this being because he's completely afraid of the forty-nine other states (and Canada) remain unverified at this time.
(from his Burnhamania website profile).