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Mateus Santolouco

Mateus Santolouco Profile Photo

Artist/ Writer

Mateus Santolouco is a comic book author better know for his acclaimed work with IDW’S Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Mateus has been working for most of the major comic book publishers in United States since 2006, passing by DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Image Comics and Dark Horse. His most recent work is IDW’s “Shredder in Hell”, a five issues mini-series that Mateus wrote and draw.

Nov. 17, 2022

Epic Tales from the Sewers with Mateus Santolouco

In this episode while Eric is away Justin speaks to Legendary Turtles artist and writer Mateus Santolouco! From the early run of the IDW TMNT series issues 21-29, the Secret Origin of the Foot Clan and the entirety of Shredde...